Calculate usage patterns and data volume in New Relic
Sample queries to understand data volume of spans, metrics and transactions in New Relic
This document lists queries which you can run in your New Relic and share with Last9 as process of migration from New Relic to Last9.
Calculating Data in New Relic
This following NRQL queries will calculate calculate total no. of transactions, spans and mertics over the last day.
- Total no. of spans over a week
SELECT count(*) FROM Span SINCE 1 week ago
- Total transactions
SELECT count(*) FROM Transaction SINCE 1 week ago
SELECT count(*) FROM Transaction FACET dateOf(timestamp) SINCE 1 week ago TIMESERIES 1 day
- Total Metrics
SELECT count(*) FROM Metric SINCE 1 week ago
4.Total Event
SELECT count(*) FROM Event SINCE 1 week ago
- Total Logs
SELECT count(*) FROM Log SINCE 1 week ago
Additionally, you can share how much data is getting ingested in New Relic from the data management tab.