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Delegate Subdomain between two AWS Accounts using Route 53

Step-by-step guide on how to delegate Subdomain between two AWS Accounts using Route 53


This is specifically useful for Last9 BYOC deployments


  1. AWS Account A is the Primary Account
  2. AWS Account B is the Sub Account
  3. is an arbitrary domain used purely for easy understanding
  4. You have enough permissions granted by your AWS Admin to add/modify Route53


To set up as a hosted zone in AWS Account B and extend it for internal usage (e.g.,, you need to delegate authority for the subdomain from AWS Account A to AWS Account B.

This process involves creating a new hosted zone in Account B for the subdomain and then updating the parent hosted zone in Account A to delegate DNS resolution to the nameservers for the subdomain in Account B.

AWS Route 53 Subdomain Delegation

Step-by-Step Procedure

Step 1: Create a Hosted Zone for the Subdomain in Account B

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console for Account B
  2. Create a Hosted Zone:
    • Navigate to the Route 53 console
    • Click on “Hosted zones” in the left navigation pane
    • Click the “Create hosted zone” button
    • Enter as the domain name
    • Choose the type as “Public hosted zone” (or Private hosted zone for Amazon VPC if it's for internal usage)
    • Click Create hosted zone
  3. Note the Nameservers:
    • After the hosted zone is created, note the nameservers (NS records) provided by Route 53 for the new hosted zone. You will need these nameservers to delegate the subdomain from Account A

Step 2: Delegate the Subdomain from Account A to Account B

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console for Account A
  2. Navigate to the Hosted Zone for
    • Go to the Route 53 console
    • Click on Hosted zones in the left navigation pane
    • Click on the hosted zone for
  3. Create NS Record for the Subdomain:
    • Click Create record
    • Choose Simple routing and click Next
    • For Record name, enter subdomain (to delegate
    • Choose Record type as NS - Name Server
    • In the Value field, enter the nameservers for provided by Account B
    • Click Create records

Step 3: Create a Hosted Zone for Internal Usage in Account B

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console for Account B
  2. Create a Hosted Zone for
    • Navigate to the Route 53 console
    • Click on Hosted zones in the left navigation pane
    • Click the Create hosted zone button
    • Enter as the domain name
    • Choose the type as Private hosted zone for Amazon VPC
    • Select the appropriate VPCs
    • Click Create hosted zone


Public Subdomain Delegation:

  • You can verify that is correctly delegated by using the dig or nslookup commands:

    dig ns

Internal Subdomain Resolution:

  • For, ensure that your VPC's DNS settings are configured correctly and that Route 53 resolver endpoints are set up if necessary


  1. Create a hosted zone for in Account B and note the nameservers
  2. Delegate the subdomain from Account A to Account B by creating an NS record in the hosted zone in Account A pointing to the nameservers for in Account B
  3. (Optional) Create a hosted zone for in Account B for internal DNS resolution


Please get in touch with us on Discord or Email if you have any questions.