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Send distributed traces from Kong to Last9 using OpenTelemetry


This guide will help you integrate Kong with Last9 to monitor and improve the observability of your API gateway. This document provides step by step instructions to start collecting traces using Kong's OpenTelemetry plugin.


  1. Kong (version 2.0 or above)
  2. Last9 OpenTelemetry endpoint credentials from the Integrations page
    • levitate_otlp_endpoint
    • levitate_otlp_auth_header

Enable Distributed Tracing in Kong

  1. Enable tracing instrumentation

    Set the environment variable KONG_TRACING_INSTRUMENTATIONS="all" and restart Kong. More Kong configuration options available here.

  2. Enable the OpenTelemetry Plugin

    Add the OpenTelemetry plugin to your Kong configuration file or enable it via the Admin API. Here’s an example of how to enable the plugin globally via the Kong Admin API:

    curl -i -X POST http://<kong-admin-url>:8001/plugins \
    --data "name=opentelemetry" \
    --data "config.endpoint=http://<levitate_otlp_endpoint>" \
    --data "config.headers.Authorization=<levitate_otlp_auth_header>" \
    --data "config.service_name=kong"

    The opentelemetry plugin sends trace to an OpenTelemetry compatible backend such as Last9.

  3. Verify the Plugin is Enabled

    You can verify that the plugin is enabled by checking the Kong logs for trace data being sent to Last9.


    Set environment variable KONG_LOG_LEVEL="debug" to verify traces are flowing in correctly to Last9 if needed.

Verify Traces in Last9

Kong Traces in Last9 via OpenTelemetry

  • Log in to your Last9 account and navigate to the Grafana dashboard
  • Navigate to the traces dashboard to see the traces collected from Kong. You should see traces corresponding to your API requests, with detailed information about the request flow and latency


Please get in touch with us on Discord or Email if you have any questions.