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Fluent Bit

This document describes a sample setup for sending logs to Last9 via Fluent bit


Fluent Bit is a fast and lightweight telemetry agent for logs, metrics, and traces. This document provides step by step instructions to send logs from Fluent Bit to Last9.


  1. Create a Last9 cluster by following Getting Started guide.
  2. Keep the following information handy after creating the cluster from the Integrations page:
    • $levitate_otlp_endpoint: Last9's OTLP endpoint
    • $levitate_basic_auth_header: OTLP Basic authorization header
    • $levitate_username: OTLP username
    • $levitate_password: OTLP password

Fluent Bit Configuration

Fluent bit supports shipping logs to Last9 using the opentelemetry output plugin.

Add following output stanza in the Fluent Bit configuration file.

Name opentelemetry
Match kube.*
http_user <levitate_username>
http_passwd <levitate_password>
Port 443
Logs_uri /v1/logs
Tls On
Tls.verify On
logs_body_key_attributes true

Read more on the configuration options provided by the opentelemetry plugin here.


Please note that the Match field must match the value of Match field in the Input or Filter sections in the Fluent Bit configuration.

This is the bare minimum configuration that you can add in the Fluent Bit config to start sending logs to Last9.

Advanced Configuration

You can add advanced lua functions to parse the logs before sending to Last9.

    function set_fields(tag, timestamp, record)
local new_record = {}

local function flatten_table(prefix, t)
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if type(v) == "table" then
flatten_table(prefix .. k .. ".", v)
new_record[prefix .. k] = v
flatten_table("", record)

return 1, timestamp, new_record

As an example, above lua function flattens the nested maps present in logs.

Additionally, it is highly recommended to add a unique tag to the log records per cluster or environment. It can be done by adding a modify Filter.

Name modify
Match kube.*
Add env production

Read more on Fluent bit modify filter here.


Login to Last9 and verify logs in Managed Grafana.

Logs in Last9 via Fluent Bit


Please get in touch with us on Discord or Email if you have any questions.